Phantom Parrot, is a documentary film, directed by Kate Stonehill, which tells the story of a human rights activist, who is prosecuted under terror laws for refusing to hand over the passwords to his electronic devices during a border stop, unveiling unsettling questions about the rule of law, modern espionage and digital privacy.
Connie Farr and Amine Ramer were the music supervisors for the film, with original score by Nainita Desai and an original song written for the film by GAIKA.
Phantom Parrot will be premiering at Sheffield Doc Fest 2023 with two screenings on 15th & 17th June. The first screening will have an extended Q&A with Director Kate Stonehill, lead contributor Muhammad Rabbani, and lawyer Richard Parry, who represents French publisher Ernest Moret, who made international headlines when he was detained under Schedule 7 of the Terrorism Act in April 2023, while on his way to attend the London Book Fair.
Click here to view the trailer.