Dream Horse follows the incredible true story of Jan Vokes, a cleaner and bartender, who decides on a whim to breed and rear a race horse in her Welsh village. With little experience but a lot of heart, the collective of townspeople follow the horse as he rises through the ranks against all the odds, ultimately pitting all of them against the racing elite in a nail-biting race for the national championship.
Connie Farr and Dom Farley are delighted to have been involved with the music supervision for this film which features an incredible selection of music including Manic Street Preachers ‘Design for Life’ and Super Furry Animals ‘Fire In My Heart’
Directed by Euros Lynn and starring Toni Collette and Damian Lewis, Dream Horse will make its premiere at Sundance Film Festival 2020 and will be released in the UK cinemas on 17 April 2020.
You can watch the trailer for the film here.