Directed by Marley Morrison, Sweetheart follows the socially awkward 17-year-old, AJ, who is dragged to a coastal holiday park by her painfully ‘normal family’ where she becomes captivated by a chorine-smelling, sun-loving lifeguard named Isla.
Sweetheart premiered at the Glasgow Film Festival to an incredible reception, and is now showing at the BFI Flare Festival. It has been certified fresh on Rotten Tomatoes, and has received sterling reviews, which you can read here:
‘Sweetheart’: Glasgow Review | Reviews | Screen (
Sweetheart: a new kind of coming-out movie – The Skinny
Jenn Egan was the music supervisor for this beautiful coming-of-age comedy drama with a whole lot of heart, the soundtrack features Cigarettes After Sex ‘Nothing’s Gonna Hurt You Baby‘, and Al Bairre ‘Let’s Fall In Love Some More’